Tuesday, September 16, 2008

McClouds Amplification through Simplification

McClouds Amplification through Simplification is an interesting concept because it allows people to apply their imaginations to any simple image and make it what they want it to be. It allows for much more freedom when reading/looking at the these unique works. You are not constrained by the artist's image of what a character/thing should look like. In explodingdog, this is especially true as the artist uses very simple stick figures, and yet you are able to get a lot out of these pictures anyway. Despite how simple they are I was able to gain a whole slew of emotions from humor to empathy. Explodingdog is truly amplification through simplification.

For todays works (9/16/08) the work's that probably best use Amplification through Simplification are The Night of Melvyns Murder and Landscapes. Both works use simple and crude artwork to get the point across. The Night of Melvyns Murder perhaps uses more detail than is needed, but it is still simplistic enough that you can use your imagination to hone the image of the characters. In landscapes, all the shapes, sounds, and colors are very simple and it does well to get the point across.

1 comment:

S.P. Myers said...

I agree with the Night Melvin was Murdered. I didn't read Landscapes so I'm at a loss there.